all right that so that’s an actual self-defense class thing huh that’s that’s just what I came up with for survival yeah um this at the end of this month there’s a blind convention and one of the things they’re offering at the blind convention is self-defense training which I thought was really neat because I’ve not heard of of any groups offering that to Blind individuals before now other than that I am knitting a little head thingy a little head uh so I’ve got this head thing um but I bought forever whenever I go in
San Francisco um and I don’t like the yarn but I like the design and I’ve got this other yarn that I really like so I thought I would try to figure out how to just make it myself um then of course we’re just making it up and we have no idea what we’re doing we’re gonna try let’s see if we can figure it out because that’s what we do here this is what we have so far I don’t know if that’s good on the I don’t like this side as much but oh well we’ll see we’ll see how it
comes along I I will say that it takes a special kind of criminal to pray on someone with a disability hey that’s the one I got yeah um I I have um known people who’ve been I’ve been related to people who’ve been in prison and um you do not want to be known as someone who preyed on um children elderly or people with disabilities um so it takes a special criminal uh to to do that um but they exist I think in general having a dog will
help just because having another living creature no no no no no no no yeah yeah that’s children some some people’s children for sure two three four five okay I’m gonna go down one more to get to five my best uh self-defense strategy in life
has often been amused and Confused um that is how I have survived as long as I have [Music] um cheering off stay home stay safe well I mean I do have a lot of fear all the time like every time I cross a road um I think man I sure hope I may get to the other side today you’re like that’s a legit thing that goes through my head so in general leaving home is scary um but I never wanted to be too afraid to live my life if that makes sense okay we’re starting on our row of five across okay
and I need to do this for 20 rows exactly it was a canoe I’m using confused yeah to be fair it was my dad it was my dad’s uh survival mechanism my dad was Tiny okay when when he started high school he was so small that when he went to go register the lady was like oh no honey the grade school’s next door um like he was a little dude in until he was like 17 I think um and the way that he survived in worthy West Texas nowhereville West Texas um was become friends with the largest guy there and amuse and Confused
um and it worked and um I I took that lesson personally both both of those yeah hey I make friends with very large people and um and I go with with amusing confused and so far it’s worked so at least mostly most